September 27, 2010

Back to business

Studying in a UK University situated in a 24/7 summer all year-round country, I too get a longgg so-called summer break. Its been 4 months since I last stepped foot in the enormous lecture theaters and pavements marked by student footprints. Some times reminiscing the times where I would either be sneaking a snack, chit chatting with my girlfriends or napping away while the lecture is going on. I'm not that much a goody student, but mind you I attend ALL my lecturers. Yes boy that I must say I win, haha.

After gaining 3 months worth of valuable working experience, it does feel a little strange being a student again. Working at YTL has made me pick-up the unconscious habit of waking up as early as 7am every morning, so I tried to stay awake throughout my first day today. Hopefully, I can build more stamina to stay awake during lectures. And, to gain enough energy for some exercise in the evenings. I have been too lazy to even have casual walks around our campus, constantly thinking of every shortcut possible.

I'm glad I spent my last 2 weeks productively, given it may be my only short break until summer next year. I had a great time with Jac who is currently also my housemate/toilet mate for 4 days in the jungle. It was a good getaway from the city to get a taste of how the indigenous people live. I have to say that living without electricity and fresh water does make me feel a little handicapped. Then again, I have never learnt to appreciate these little things we always take for granted so much more. On the good side, we managed to count a fruitful amount of globally threatened Plain-pouched Hornbills, a little jungle trekking and of course the best part - kayaking on an amateurishly built raft. Here are a couple of pictures:

My skin is also going through a small transformation at the moment. I learned that smothering on layers of Nivea SPF 50 does not save your skin from getting burnt by the scorching heat in Langkawi. Nevertheless, the trip was a very memorable one. I had my first island hopping and fishing experience. Not to forget, the funny feeling of fishes swimming in my stomach while I was sitting (lying) on the boat for 4 hours. The conclusion is that I am helplessly vulnerable on sea. I am sticking to jungle trekking and hiking from now on.


I AM A BLOGGER said...

happy going bek to schooool~~~

Anonymous said...

i enjoyed reading ur blog,keep it up to date...