November 4, 2010

Indian Mee and Courseworks

I must admit that other than running, spending time in the kitchen is something else that I really enjoy. Cooking and experimenting new recipes do help ease my mind a little.

With the ongoing and never ending meetings, courseworks, laboratory sessions, final year project, etc, I decided to reward myself by cooking my favourite Indian Mee.

The recipe is very simple, all I needed was some noodles, tofu, egg, green leafy vegetables, garlic and onions. As for the sauce I used chilli paste, soya sauce and tomato ketchup. Oh and not forgetting to squeeze some lime juice at the end for a nice tangy touch.

I started coughing 2 weeks ago which was a serious issue because I hardly fall sick. So my lovely mum got nervous and bought me really horrible tasting chinese medicine which I was supposed to drink every 4 hours.

As horrible as it tasted, I finished it, only because my mum got it for me hehe...

My wonderful room mate Amelia left this on my desk the next morning, how sweet of her! It must be my annoying coughs that disturbed her sleep at night =S

So Viva La Vida night is over which officially marks the end to my stage performances for now. I'm glad I managed to share the stage with Elton who is remarkably talented and amazingly sweet for helping me and being there for me. I am also glad that I had the chance to share a song that I wrote for Eco-Film Festival 2010 with the crowd from Uni, sure hope they liked it! More importantly, I hope I successfully brought across the message inside the song to the audience.

I'm back to my work now, busy busy me...

1 comment:

leon said...

haha i long to taste it bi!! hehe, btw, i like your blog title at the top =) girly girl...i got the best gf imaginable =))